Shy Red Fox
Nalbinding Teacher, Fiber Artist, and Indie Dyer
Amy, aka Shy Red Fox, is passionate about sharing the wonderful old-world craft of Nalbinding and her love of creating with fiber arts.Her tools, yarn and fiber feel good in your hands.

Currently, I'm not selling nalbinding needles
but you're welcome to peruse the gallery.
Meet Amy
Amy, also known as Shyredfox, is the author of the urban fantasy series The Liminal Chronicles. She adores Japan and always looks forward to returning to the incredible country with its amazing people and unique culture. She and her husband adopted two wily and adorable ferrets, named Pocky and Mochi, after the kids grew up.Amy's an avid fiber arts fan dabbling in spinning, knitting, nalbinding, dyeing, and anything else fiber related that comes her way. She’s the owner of Shy Red Fox and has been teaching fiber arts classes since 2010.She is interested in the Viking age and has done re-enactment of the period. After falling in love with Nalbinding in 2009, she wished to help to preserve the craft and began teaching it in 2012.In her Nalbinding classes, she shares stitch techniques, how to make warm hats and mittens, and delicate scarves forming swirl shapes with a technique she invented.Amy loves pushing the craft to new limits, and aims to share the art form with others through her work and teaching.